Italy, Bulgaria, Greece, Spain, Norway and UK: within its 8 partners - led by Piano C, MOM teams up the whole Europe, from North to South and from West to East. That will ensure a truly international and insightful experience to the overall project.
The MOM team at the kick-off meeting: ready to bring the project to life! :-)
Piano C (Plan C) is a No-Profit which works to strengthen women's participation in the workforce and to develop female talent and women's leadership, for the creation of social well-being and of competitive value for companies.
Our mission is to provide women with tools to express more and better their potential in the work field.
To achieve these results in terms of impact, Piano C acts on three levels:
"The city council of Alzira (47.000 inhabitants) is a local public body actively developing programmes to promote economic development and employment in the city through its development agency IDEA created in 1995. From orientation to employment, IDEA offers a variety of services such as guidance, entrepreneurship advising, European programmes and training courses. IDEA training service provides both individuals and entrepreneur with the possibility of improving their skills and reinforcing their professional profile. Gender equality has been attended in the European Programmes context as well, as IDEA has participated in the WEED Project (Women Enterprise and Employment in Local Development). IDEA was responsible for establishing an exchange programme in order to facilitate the transfer of policy, planning and good practices".
"EUROMASC is a consultancy with experience and competence from long time cooperation with national and international organisations within vocational education and training (VET). EUROMASC is tracing its origins back to 1995 and operates as a 2008 spinoff from the Norwegian operation of the EU programme Leonardo da Vinci at the National Institute of Technology. The main field of operation is the implementation of Learning Outcome based instruments for qualification definition and description. Recognition of prior learning (RPL) with validation and accreditation of skills and competences, career guidance and certification are supported with Skillsbank in multilingual versions. This facilitates transparency and permeability between different strands of education and training and supports lifelong learning in general. Skillsbank includes the implementation and facilitation of transnational instruments like EQF, ECVET, ESCO and Europass".
"Fondazione Politecnico di Milano (FPM) was founded in 2003 through a joint effort between the Politecnico di Milano, major city and regional institutions and important corporations to support the university’s research projects and contribute to innovating and developing the economic, productive and administrative environment.
FPM encourages and supports innovation processes in education and online collaboration. FPM aims at developing, experiencing and introducing innovative methodologies and processes starting from needs and users analysis, taking advantage of the potential offered by technological solutions. Key partners are schools, universities, public administrations and companies, both at national and international levels".
"Inova Consultancy Ltd (UK) provides a flexible consultancy service that responds to the needs of organisations and individuals internationally in the area of diversity, equal opportunities and entrepreneurship. Inova has specialist experience in the development and delivery of coaching and mentoring programmes in the UK and on an international level for women in a range of fields, including entrepreneurship, management and STEM. Inova’s employees and associates combine experience and qualifications in organisational development, psychology, mentoring and coaching in addition to bringing in best practices from across Europe to assist organisations and individuals in the field of personal and business development".
"The INTERNATIONAL PLATFORM FOR CITIZEN PARTICIPATION (IPCP) is a non-governmental organization dedicated to assist individuals, communities and institutions build their capacities by conveying knowledge and improving practical performance to enable them manage the changing social requirements, catch opportunities and meet the development challenges, with a special focus on youth. The IPCP is a global coalition of young people and youth organizations committed to promoting freedom, individual responsibility, and market economy. It has 54 members from more than 20 countries that share interests in theory, methods and practice of youth active citizenship.
We train young people to work at the regional and international levels to impact policy and culture. We enable people to spend their free time actively and usefully. We offer a variety of interesting events and a broad specter of activities: different workshops, citizen initiatives, women and young girls support actions, voluntary services and other. Through this lived experience of the dignity of the person, young people are able to affirm life at all levels of society. At European level the IPCP promotes discussion among local and regional authorities, schools, vocational centers, foundations and non-governmental organizations dealing with human rights, local democracy and active citizenship and with those in related fields. More than 50 000 people are our members".
"MAAM - Maternity As a Master - is a licensed program from Life Based Value, an italian-based company that provides innovative solutions to develop human capital. The program is targeted to mothers and fathers of children from 0 to 3 years old, and is currently used in more than 213 cities worldwide, by more than 2.000 users from more than 25 companies like Coca Cola, Boston Consulting Group and ENI".
"University of Thessaly (UTH), with 18 Departments and various Research Centers, is a University with its own identity and with a prominent position in our national educational system. UTH brings also graduates in contact with the labor market through its LIfelong Learning Center. As one of University’s central institutions, the Lifelong Learning Centre of University of Thessaly supports all major processes at the University and provides basic and individually tailored training and employment services in all the relevant to Institution’s basic scientific fields.
The Lifelong Learning Centre of University of Thessaly is basically associated with the planning, the organization and the implementation of various continuous vocational training initiatives for all the associated target groups (students, graduates, youth groups, researchers, business organizations, etc.) as well as managing the effective transition of its graduates to the labor market. Being concerned with problems related to labor market, jobs availability, young entrepreneurship and student mobility, one of the main objectives of the Lifelong Learning Centre is to become a permanent link between the University and the business community through training services related to all fields of knowledge provided by University of Thessaly. Certified by the National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications & Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP), the Lifelong Learning Centre also provides an e-learning platform aiming to enhance the educational process through the provision of a dynamic interactive environment. As part of the activities and the fulfilment of its targets the Lifelong Learning Centre on its own initiative implements various projects, which have as a main target to reinforce the development of new instruments and innovative solutions related to the office overall objectives. At the moment the Lifelong Learning Center of UTH is representing significant experience in various European project Initiatives (H2020, Erasmus+, DG Employment, EASME, Interreg, Erasmus+ Sports, Knowledge Alliances, EASME) either as leader organization or as basic partner".
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